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Check what the weather's like in Val di Sole and Val Rendena.

Weather report

Before starting off on your day on the slopes, or an outing in the mountains, always make sure you check the weather conditions in the SkiArea Madonna di Campiglio, right in the heart of the Brenta Dolomites. Have a look at the weather report for Folgarida Marilleva, Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo.

Madonna di Campiglio

Clear or partly cloudy Morning -6.2 °C 6.4 km/h NNO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon -1 °C 4.5 km/h NO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -4.5 °C 0.9 km/h ONO Precipitation: 0 mm

Monte Spinale

Clear or partly cloudy Morning -5.8 °C 7.2 km/h ONO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon -2.2 °C 5.3 km/h NNE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -5 °C 4.6 km/h NNO Precipitation: 0 mm

Passo Grostè

Clear or partly cloudy Morning -9.5 °C 6.6 km/h NE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon -3.9 °C 5.8 km/h NE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -6.7 °C 5.6 km/h SO Precipitation: 0 mm


Clear Morning -2.4 °C 6.1 km/h NNO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear or partly cloudy Afternoon 1 °C 0.7 km/h SSE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -2.6 °C 0.1 km/h OSO Precipitation: 0 mm

Doss del Sabion

Clear or partly cloudy Morning -8.7 °C 5.5 km/h NNE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon -4 °C 6.7 km/h NNE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -5 °C 5.7 km/h NNE Precipitation: 0 mm


Clear or partly cloudy Morning -4.4 °C 4.5 km/h NO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon 0.8 °C 2.6 km/h SO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -2.2 °C 4.5 km/h SO Precipitation: 0 mm

Monte Vigo Orso Bruno

Clear or partly cloudy Morning -7.5 °C 4.9 km/h NNO Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Afternoon -1.2 °C 4.5 km/h NNE Precipitation: 0 mm
Clear Evening -4.1 °C 3.5 km/h OSO Precipitation: 0 mm


The weather can change rapidly in the Alps. Don't be caught by surprise. Check live weather forecasts for Val di Sole and Val Rendena.

We constantly update current weather conditions and the forecast for the following days to keep you up to date: you'll find info on temperatures, sun, snow, wind and any other info you may need concerning local weather conditions to make sure you make the most of your vacation. Enjoy your days in the snow at the Madonna di Campiglio SkiArea, a destination perfect for skiing enthusiasts and those who love winter activities . Our SkiArea is nestled in the heart of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, offering breathtaking views of the Brenta Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as the Adamello and Presanella ranges. Don’t get caught off guard—stay updated on the weather conditions. To plan your vacation perfectly, check the snow report, view live updates with our webcams, and get information about slope and lift openings.


Experience the SkiArea live: slopes, views and lifts always at your fingertips

how to get here...

Just a few kilometers from the Brennero A22 highway and close to all main international airports, the SkiArea Madonna di Campiglio can be reached from both Val Rendena and Val di Sole.
By bus, train or car… Don't miss out on the chance to enjoy a fantastic vacation. Once you reach the SkiArea you can use its efficient and sustainable mobility system.

How to get to:
Folgarida Marilleva
Madonna di Campiglio


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