DoloMeet PASSion
A passion that will take you right to the top of the mountain
Search and book your vacation in a participating DoloMeet PASSion hotel or accommodation in Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo, Val Rendena, Central Giudicarie and Valle del Chiese. Take advantage of an incredible opportunity to enjoy mountain-top itineraries with a special summer lift card for incredible experiences in the heart of the Dolomites. DoloMeet PASSion provides access to the 8 lifts in Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo at a special rate: € 25 (June/September), € 33 (July) and € 46 (August). Plus, with the DoloMeet PASSion you'll have the advantage of receiving 3 cards in 1 with loads of activities and services included or available at a discounted price. For further info