Přejít na hlavní obsah
La Montagna


The perfect mix of colours, smells and sounds

Spettacolo Delle Dolomiti


of the Dolomites

Emozioni Ad Ogni Passo


every step of the way



special moments with the ones you love the most

Porta Con Te I Ricordi


your summer holiday memories

Přejít na patičku


It's time for you and your family to create some unforgettable summer moments under the sun. In winter, the mountains make the Skiarea Madonna di  Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta come to life, and in summer they're the perfect choice for an active family vacation. Your outdoor adventure, among the rocky spires of the Brenta Dolomites, the many trails of the Adamello Presanella mountain range or the pristine natural landscape of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, will be filled with wonderful new experiences for you and the entire family.

Wide-open spaces, as far as the eye can see. The silence of these surroundings broken only by the sound of the wind among the magnificent peaks towering above you.

You and your children can explore vast green forests, discover enchanting landscapes far from all the traffic, smog and noise of the city as you breathe in pure, fresh mountain air.

Take part in fun and exciting outdoor activities like rafting, tarzaning, mountain biking and much, much more. The chance to share special, unforgettable moments with your family. Hiking trails, via ferratas for skilled climbers and hikers and relaxing walks in nature. This is the perfect family-friendly destination that will definitely please the entire family.


Zůstaňte v obraze o novinkách a nezapomenutelných zážitcích v areálu SkiArea!

Jak se sem dostat...

Jen několik kilometrů od dálnice Brennero A22 a nedaleko hlavních mezinárodních letišť lze do Skiareálu Madonna di Campiglio dorazit jak od údolí Val Rendena, tak od údolí Val di Sole. Autobusem, vlakem, autem… Nenechte si ujít příležitost prožít fantastickou dovolenou. Po příchodu do SkiArea najdete pohodlnou a efektivní službu udržitelné mobility.

Jak se dostat do:
Folgarida Marilleva
Madonna di Campiglio



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